Of related interest

SafeSport Document - 2022-02-02

Bob Price Jan. 29, 2022 Commissioner
Ohio Valley Region - USAV

Club Directors:

It has been reported to my office that too often athletes are demonstrating a real concern for adults, fans, other parents that are engaging in behaviors that are “red flags”! Inappropriate behaviors are a real concern and must be addressed IMMEDIATELY. Behaviors range from: 1) being too social with a team, 2) too much “hands on” – NO ONE is permitted to touch an athlete! 3) inappropriate comments, 4) the use of social media to contact individuals.

  1. 1)  No parent needs 16 year old friends! Be supportive without being intrusive.

  2. 2)  NEVER touch a player, NEVER touch a player, NEVER touch a player

  3. 3)  No conversation with a minor should ever be of a personal nature.

  4. 4)  No adult is permitted to use social media to contact an athlete without the PARENT being included in the communication, no exception.

If an athlete comes to you voicing concerns, you must take immediate action. You are a mandatory reporter; gather information/concerns from the athlete and PARENT and make a report to the local police department, and copy the OVR office.

I want to recommend that EVERY ATHLETE and PARENT take advantage of the FREE SafeSport program that is on the OVR website. It is very informative about what athletes/parents need to be aware of when experiencing inappropriate behaviors from an adult. The top priority of the OVR has always been the safety of the athlete! Our directors and coaches must attain proper certifications and pass an intensive background screen, EVERY YEAR. All of us must be aware of our surroundings in order to protect your most valuable possession!

This communication is not meant to create paranoia; it is just a reminder to stay alert. The SafeSport program will emphasis your recognition of “grooming” behaviors! Do not hesitate to share this communication with parents.

The programs you offer are vital to the mental, social, and physical development of the our next generation; keep up the good work!

Bob Price
Ohio Valley Region - USAV

